include | |
method_interfaces | |
direct_transcription | |
direct_transcription.hpp | Direct transcription class for trajectory optimization |
direct_transcription_implementation.hpp | |
multiple_shooting | |
multiple_shooting.hpp | Class implementing multiple shooting for direct trajectory optimizaion |
shooting_constraint.hpp | Multiple shooting defect function including numerical differentiation |
nonlinear_program | |
nonlinear_program.hpp | |
base_method_interface.hpp | Base class for direct methods |
bmi_implementation.hpp | |
optimization | |
constraints | |
ConstraintsBase.hpp | Base class for constraints |
GenericConstraintsBase.hpp | Base class for vector constraints and numdiff derivatives |
GuardBase.hpp | |
InterPhaseBaseConstraint.hpp | |
InterPhaseBaseConstraintFreeControl.hpp | |
costs | |
CostFunctionAutoDiffDerivativeBase.hpp | |
CostFunctionBase.hpp | Base class to derive cost functions |
CostFunctionBolza.hpp | Base class to derive cost function of the type J = sum_k( phi_k(x_k,u_k,k) ) + H(X_K) |
MinimumEnergyCostBolza.hpp | Bolza type cost function minimizing the total energy e = uTRu |
MinimumTimeCostBolza.hpp | Bolza type cost function minimizing the total trajectory time |
MinimumVelocityCostBolza.hpp | Bolza type cost function minimizing the total velocity e = qdTRqd |
ReachGoalCostBolza.hpp | Bolza type cost function minimizing the distance to a goal state |
ZeroCostBolza.hpp | Cost function with zero intermediate and final costs |
NumDiffDerivativesBase.hpp | Base class for numerical differentiation of vector functions |
solver_interfaces | |
ipopt | |
ipopt.hpp | Class interfacing Ipopt NLP with a DirecTrajectoryOptimization problem |
snopt | |
snopt.hpp | Class interfacing SNOPT with a DTO Problem |
base_solver_interface.hpp | Base class for NLP Solvers interface |
direct_trajectory_optimization_problem.hpp | Main class of the DTO package |